We hope you feel transported to the European Alps when you enter our humble mountainside shop.

Snowy Season

(November — April)

During THE Ski season, we’re a bustling aLPINE market, SPECIALIZING IN OLD WORLD WINES, ARTISANAL CHEESES & CHARCUTERIE, AS WELL AS HOME-MADE Grab and go specialties. We have a small communal seating area for those looking to enjoy those apres-ski small plates of Raclette AND fONDUE alongside old world wines.

Sunny Season


In the warmer months, our shop stays closed to the public because we’re busy tending to our vegetable farm operation just 20 minutes south of here in Kingfield ME, called Ferme Louis (www.fermelouiskingfield.com) That said, we remain available for hire for private events and small-scale catering. We hope to open up a few select days throughout the summer for some special offerings. Stay tuned!

Our intimate wine tasting room is a great place to gather with friends and loved ones when you’re up for a fun weekend in the mountains. Reach out to us for an private "'degustation"' #corkdork

Want us to bring the party to you? We can also do that. Let us know about your next gathering and we’ll gladly do the pouring for you by emailing us at info@corkandrind.me.